You are already doing enough.

As immigrant women, we constantly battle expectations of doing more - at work, at home, everywhere. An inner voice fuels feelings of inadequacy by tying self-worth to productivity.

But you deserve to be seen for who you are, not just what you do. This transformational tool uses energy techniques to shift perspective and cleanse your emotions. By releasing notions that your inherent value lies in accomplishing one more thing, you can step into worthiness and purpose.

I created this digital experience to help women gain freedom from cultural messages that say we're not enough.

Reclaim your voice - you are already doing so much.

No matter how much you accomplish, do you still feel a voice inside saying "you should be doing more"?

This feeling can be even stronger for women of color and immigrants who face immense pressure to be everything to everyone.

Through energy techniques, the “You Are Already Doing Enough” digital tool helps you transform your inner critic into a nurturing voice that affirms you are worthy of rest and joy.

  • Discover how energy can help clear emotional blocks and shift limiting beliefs into empowering ones.

  • Identify and transmute fears around inadequacy using emotional energy clearing.

  • Learn mental energy tools to install the belief that you are enough just as you are.

In this 3-module audio course you’ll learn:

As featured in

You are enough

You are enough •

Invest in this self-paced tool to:

  • Stop connecting your worth to productivity

  • Release guilt, anxiety and 'not enoughness'

  • Gain clarity and direction without self-judgment

  • Practice self-acceptance and compassion

  • Deepen your spiritual connection

You Are Already Doing Enough

You Are Already Doing Enough •

Wellbeing should be accessible to all.

Digital Tool Online Access


Get any time access and learn at your own pace from any digital device. This tool includes 3 classes with original content.

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3 classes and 30 minutes of original content

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FREE GUIDE: 3 loving reframes to embrace being different from your family

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